This may not seem solar related but it is. I would like to reclaim the space that my current lead acid batteries take up. I would also like not have to worry about or maintaining any lead acid batteries. The simple answer would be to connect everything to the new lithium battery bank. The issue is the break away switch should be directly connected to the battery and not include a fuse. Since my bank is now farther from my break away switch that makes for a long unprotected wire run. I also think the BMS could function like a fuse and I don’t want to bypass it. The easy belt and suspenders option for me is to install a small dedicated break away battery. The charging lead from my 7-pin connector will then charge and maintain it totally separate from all of the other electrical in the trailer. The Multiplus has the ability to charge a auxiliary 12-volt battery but I don’t think that is necessary.
I used a system like this. I was able to tie it into the factory wiring and breakaway switch. It sits flush with the trailer A-frame. I plan on leveraging the space opened up by removing the batteries for storage down the road. Some sort of lockable tool box is what I am thinking.